Hope Lutheran Chapel, LCMS serves Lake area residents and visitors by providing Hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe we are saved by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, and in the Work of Jesus Christ Alone. We pray when you visit us you may find that same Hope in you. We believe worship services are primarily God serving us in Word and Sacrament. We return that service to him in confession, prayer, praise, and thanksgiving.
Hope Lutheran Chapel, in conformity with the Holy Scriptures and care for all who worship here practices closed communion. If you are a member of a LCMS (Missouri Synod) or AALC congregation in good standing, are repentant of your sins, hold no grudges against your neighbor, seek to reconcile yourself with those you have hurt and believe Jesus gives you his true body and true blood for the forgiveness of your sins, you are welcome to commune here. If you are not a member of one of these synods please speak with the pastor before service or email him at johnthree17@gmail.com before communing.