#DailyDevotion What Does It Mean Jesus Isn’t Here?
Saturday Easter 1
Mark 16:6 And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee.
Well you’d be alarmed also. You go to the tomb of Jesus early in the morning. You’re wondering how you and your friends will roll the stone away. When you get there it’s already moved and there’s a young man in the tomb where the body of Jesus was. Now we know from the other gospel accounts that the young man wasn’t alone and that they were angels in bright white long robes. But popping you head into a tomb expecting to see Jesus’ body and seeing someone else sitting there would still be enough of a shocker.
As all angels do he tells them to not be alarmed. Don’t be afraid. You see the young man or angel, has good news. Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, dead and buried, he has risen. He isn’t there. And further good news, Jesus still isn’t in the tomb. It’s still empty. Jesus has overcome death. Death has no hold on him. If Jesus has overcome death, then he has overcome the one who has the power over death, the devil. Our old enemy, the enemy of mankind since creation, has been defeated by Jesus. Jesus has freed us from his power, from his enslavement. Now through faith in Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you can resist him. It isn’t easy. He can do a pretty good con job on us making us think we still belong to him. Sometimes we may fail and give in because of the weakness of our flesh. But Jesus always has the last word.
You see if Jesus has overcome death and the devil, then he has also overcome sin which both death and devil use against us. It has corrupted our flesh. It causes our bodies to waste away day by day. They think they can use it against us to enslave us again to their control. But Jesus has won the victory over sin. It can no longer accuse us before God. While we at times with Paul may cry out, “Who will save us from this body of death?” Jesus is risen! There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. If you believe Jesus has done this for you, if you have been baptized into Christ, then you don’t need to be alarmed. Don’t fear. You are more than conquerors through Jesus over sin, death and the devil.
Now the women were supposed to go tell the disciples. In Mark’s gospel they ran away and told no one. We know eventually they did. The disciples didn’t believe them. What about you? Are you going to run away afraid and tell no one what Jesus has done for you? Are you worried no one will believe you? Not your problem. You witness about your faith in Jesus and what he has done for you and for the person you’re talking to. Let Jesus take care of the rest.
Heavenly Father, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, sin, death, and the devil have been overcome. Grant us your Holy Spirit to believe this and grant that we may overcome sin and the devil in our daily lives and faith that on the Last Day, our bodies too may overcome death at the revelation of your Son Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.