In-Person Sunday Worship
Sunday @ 10am Fellowship @ 11:00 am
Service Indoors
- Masks are optional. Please do what you feel comfortable with.
- There are closed pews and open pews in the back half of the sanctuary for those wanting to practice social distancing.
- You may sit wherever you like but please respect those who wish to continue practice social distancing
During Communion
- The first half of the congregation will commune as we have always commune with the exception we ask you put your cup in the buckets at the end of the rail as we have been doing this past year.
- An usher will usher you to the communion rail.
- Pastor will wash his hands before the distribution. He will use hand sanitizer between tables.
- After communion return to your seats for the rest of worship
- The offering will be collected after the service in plates in the back of the church.