#DailyDevotion God Is Omniscient But In Jesus He Forgets Your Sins
Lent Day 28
Jer. 31:34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”
Now we see the content of this new covenant, the New Testament, the basis upon which the Lord, the God of Israel makes with Israel and with all mankind. It is this, the Lord forgives our iniquity, our sins, our trespasses and remembers them no more. Jesus says as much when he institutes the Lord’s Supper in the Gospel of Matthew, “This is my blood of the New Testament for the forgiveness of sins.”
We really should take note of the whole one sidedness of the New Testament. The Lord through Jeremiah places no restrictions on it; there are no prerequisites for participating or receiving the New Testament than having iniquity. This is why the Gospel, the New Testament is good news. Under the Mosaic Law, there were all sorts of regulations and requirements and the like to be participants and recipients. But the Lord God does it all here.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, without our asking or believing, becomes one of us. He offers his body as a sacrifice for our sins. He pours out his blood as the blood of this covenant. Jesus say, I’m your God and you are my people. I forgive your sins and remember them no more.
This is how we know the Lord, by the forgiveness of our sins and iniquities and that he remembers them no more. There was once a little saintly girl, I believe it was in medieval France who said she saw Jesus and had conversations with Jesus. Well this got back to the bishop who called her in to question her about it. It apparently was causing a stir in the church at the time and causing him some grief. The bishop asked the young girl to do something for him. He asked her the next time she talked with our Lord Jesus to ask him what the bishop confessed in confession. So after a while the girl appeared before the bishop who asked her if she saw Jesus and if she asked Jesus his question. She said yes. So the bishop asked, “Well what did Jesus say?” The little girl replied, “He said he forgot.” I have no doubt this girl saw Jesus.
For when we confess our sins to God, whether privately or with the pastor, the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of Israel removes our sins from us as far as east is from the west. He forgives and unlike us at times, he actually does forget. Though our sins are red as scarlet we are made as white as snow. Though our sins are as crimson, we are made white as wool. He declares us innocent, not guilty, justified because of the blood of the New Testament he shed for us, for all people everywhere.
Gracious Father, we in no way deserve your mercy and kindness, yet in your great love for us you sent your Son Jesus Christ to be the covenant, the testament sacrifice so we may be set free of our sins. Grant us such faith to believe Christ’s sacrifice that we may know you as the Lord who forgives us our sins and remembers them no more. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.