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Lent Day 24

#DailyDevotion Saved, Grace & Faith. What Does This Mean?

Lent Day 24

Eph. 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


We are saved by grace through faith. Saved, we get eternal life as a present possession now and when we cast off these mortal coils and they’re replace with immortal ones. Grace, some say God’s riches at Christ’s expense. Not too bad. It is a gift, a free gift, God’s good favor based on something outside of yourself, namely God’s love for you in Christ Jesus. Faith is an instrument through which you receive God’s grace. It believes and it trust God’s promises. This faith is not of your own doing. It is a gift of God given and wrought by God in us by the Holy Spirit through the word of the good news of Jesus.


So our salvation is not the result of our works or anything in us other than the need to be saved. It is a gift of God. If it is a gift then you may make no claim about it for yourself. You may only boast in how great, merciful, kind and loving God is to provide such a great salvation for you. You can’t claim it’s based on your faith and how great it is. Faith is a gift of God. You can’t claim you’ve earned God’s grace. Grace is a gift of God. You can’t even claim it is something you did by grace. That would negate the gift of God. No, you can only say thank you and give God praise for all his goodness.


Now while we are save by grace through faith as a gift because we are God’s workmanship in Christ Jesus, we are saved to be like God in this life. You have been created in Christ Jesus for good works. Good works such as forgiving those who sin against you. To do good to those who hate you and are your enemies. Sacrificing your own wants to provide for someone else’s need. You are called in essence to love your neighbor as yourself.


And you don’t have to go out looking for these good works. They will come to you. God has prepared them beforehand that you should walk in them. Unless you hold yourself up in a hole in a mountain, you will engage your fellowman on a daily basis there God will have good works for you to do. When the opportunity arises for you to do good, remember what God has done for you purely out of his grace and then be gracious like your Father in heaven has been gracious to you. The devil and your flesh, maybe even some friends may try to cause some selfish, self-centered fear in you to not do it for your own sake. Don’t listen. Believe the good news God has given you in Christ Jesus and just do the good given for you to do.


Heavenly Father, we cannot praise you and your Son Jesus Christ enough in this life for all your goodness, kindness, love and graciousness to us. Help us to believe in it by your Spirit that we may show for these characteristics in our own lives toward our fellowman. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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