#DailyDevotion Looking For Peace? We Have It In Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lent Day 11
Romans 5: 1Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Not guilty! That is the verdict that has been pronounced upon everyone who trust in Christ Jesus. You are righteous, rather the righteousness of God is yours by faith in Jesus. This is the message of Christianity. This is unbelievable good news because you know if you examine yourself, particularly under the law of God that you are guilty as all get out. Yet our Heavenly Father loves mankind. He does not seek to judge us and condemn us but sought and provided a way to escape the judgment of guilty and all that goes with that.
Paul writes, 2Co 5:19 “in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.” God has reconciled himself to you in Christ. He no longer counts your trespasses against you. This is the message that faith believes. The Lord himself has prepared a sacrifice for sins that we might escape eternal death and He is the sacrifice. God’s anger and wrath has been assuaged. God is at peace with you.
By this faith, we have peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. We can stand before God with a clear conscience. This is assured us in our baptism (1 Pet. 3:21ff). For every sin, every trespass and anything that could have accused us before God at the judgment seat has been laid on the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. As we stand by faith before the judgment seat of God, we stand in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. The verdict is not guilty.
This peace with beyond all understanding but this peace is ours. With joy and boldness we can enter the throne room of the Father of lights and make our requests known, trusting that our Father hears our prayers, has sent the answer to them before we even opened our mouths and will answer them in the way that is best for us and the spreading of the good news. We need not be anxious God is not pleased with us and therefore will not hear us. God is pleased with us because of our faith in Jesus. Jesus is what makes us pleasing to God and for his sake he hears and answers our prayers. Trusting this we need not fear or be anxious. For the Father himself loves us and has shown us this love in Jesus.
Heavenly Father, may the peace which is ours by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ have governance over all our thinking, speaking and acting on this day that we may share this peace with others and they too may enter into your peace. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.