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#DailyDevotion You Only Have Two Paths To Walk

#DailyDevotion You Only Have Two Paths To Walk

Hos. 14 9Let the one who is wise understand these things. And let the one who understands know them, because the LORD’s ways are right. The righteous walk in them, but rebels stumble over them.

While this is certainly a summary of the prophet Hosea, it can also be seen as a somewhat summary of the Bible. Not so much the teaching of the Bible but of man’s response to what God’s Word says.

The first part is the appeal to those who are wise. This is a theme throughout the Scriptures. Psalm 107 says, “43Are you wise? Then watch for these things and see for yourself the goodness of the LORD.” Jesus says in John 8, “47A child of God listens to what God says. You don’t listen to Him because you’re not God’s children.” There is a psychic change in those who hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and whom the Holy Spirit converts through that good news. We are not wise of our own selves but we have a wisdom that comes from above.

And what does this wisdom give us? It gives us understanding that the LORD’s ways are right. Not that we always understand what the LORD is doing and why He is doing it, at least in the immediate sense. We know in the end it is for our good, the good of the Church, and the praise, glory and thanksgiving to God our Father through our LORD Jesus Christ. It is written in Deut. 32, “4The Rock! What He does is perfect; yes, all His ways are right. A faithful God, without any wrong, just and righteous is He.” Psalm 19 says, “7The LORD’s word is perfect and gives new life. The LORD’s truth can be trusted to make simple people wise. 8The LORD’s instructions are right, delighting the mind. The LORD’s commandment is pure, a light for the eyes.” We are of limited wisdom and intelligence. We cannot possibly see the end, the outcome of everything that everyone does and how everyone’s actions interact in the web of humanity. The LORD our God has all wisdom. He also has all power. In His wisdom and power He guides all things to the end in which all justice and mercy is met at the eschaton. He may let one evil person live because their descendant will bring about some great good. Some good person may die young because their descendant would bring about some horrific life upon the earth. I’m just speculating here but just trying to give an example to give some understanding.

We then, who believe the Good News of Jesus Christ, that our sins are forgiven by His death and eternal life is ours by His resurrection, live then according to His will, rejecting the evil and doing the good. We don’t do it perfectly. We do acknowledge Him though that His ways are indeed always right, good, and salutary.

The wicked though stumble over the ways of the LORD. It is not so surprising to hear those who do not know the LORD reject His ways and His wisdom and see He is right. It is more surprising to see those who have heard the Good News and lived in it turn from it in rebellion. True, some have turned away because they were exposed to the evil in some Christians or Christian teachers and have been burned by it. Some just get too bright for their own britches. They cannot see or believe the LORD has all wisdom and indeed knows what is going on and has included it in His plan. They cannot accept He is just and good in that. Their hearts have become perverted and corrupt. Pray for such people to repent. It does happen.

Heavenly Father, give us Your grace that we may not be wise in our own estimation but by the wisdom of Your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen. 

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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