#DailyDevotion You Have Been Called To Be Like God
Eph. 4:26-5:2 26 Be angry but don’t sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger. 27 Don’t give the devil a chance to work.28 Anyone who has been stealing should not steal any more, but instead work hard, doing something good with his own hands so that he has something to share with anyone in need. 29 Don’t say anything harmful but only what is good, so that you help where there’s a need and benefit those who hear it. 30 And don’t grieve God’s Holy Spirit, by Whom you were sealed for the day when you will be set free. 31 Get rid of all bitter feelings, temper, anger, yelling, slander, and every way of hurting one another. 32 Be kind to one another and tenderhearted, and forgive one another as God in Christ has forgiven you. 5 As God’s dear children try to be like Him 2 and live in love as Christ loved us and gave Himself for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
So here Paul is continuing to give us exhortations to Christian living. When we are reading these I think it is import to remember the Gospel given in the previous chapters, i.e. how God has saved us freely by his grace, it is a gift of God, in Chirst Jesus and through Christ’s work. Even in this chapter Paul tells us these good Gospel proclamations, we this new self “which is created to be like God, righteous and holy in the truth,” we have been sealed by the Holy Spirit, and we are forgiven by God in Christ Jesus. Without this work of God in and through us Paul’s exhortations here would be like him trying to talk to a rock or a piece of wood. But in Christ Paul is not talking to wood and stone but rather children of God filled with the Holy Spirit.
So for us Christians we have this new way of life which is not like our life withouth the life of Christ in us. So be angry and don’t sin. People are going to step on your toes and press your buttons. You don’t have to retaliate but forgive instead or at least don’t exacerbate the situtation with responding in kind. Make up with people before the sun goes down becausse people do evil things in the dark. Confess and forgive so the devil doesn’t have room to work in your life.
We should work for a living instead of stealing, not only so we have daily bread, but rather so we have something to give to people who are lacking. What a thought that is! Not only to not steal but work so you have money to give to other people. Yet our God is so generous with us to provide us all we need for the day and more. If you work and never give any money away to the poor you may be lacking here. Start giving money to the poor. Help someone out. Don’t know any poor, look up a worthy go fund project or start a benevolent fund at your congregation. There is more and you can read it and then do it.
Finally, Paul tells us be try to be like God and live in love. Tall order you say? I say you have the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son dwelling in you. What does this look like? We become kind and tenderhearted to our fellow Christians and forgive people as Christ has forgiven us. You remember Ex. 34:6 where the LORD reveals his name: merciful, gracious, slow to get angry, rich in love and faithfulness, showing mercy and forgiving wrong. This is not of your own power and strength but power of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. You want to be more like God, then devour the Gospel and let it have its way with you.
Heavenly Father, grant us your Holy Spirit that we may put aside our old life of darkness and live in the newness of life in your son Jesus Christ to his and your praise and glory, though Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen.