#DailyDevotion When It Seems God Delays
Psalm 10 Why are You staying so far away, O LORD? Why do You hide whenever there’s trouble?
Unlike the Israelites in the wilderness who grumbled against the LORD in unbelief, the psalmist here is laying out his complaint in faith. One does not expect the LORD to do anything, the other believes the LORD can and will do something but is delaying. Indeed, Jesus on the cross cries out Psalm 22, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me.” It does seem to us the LORD delays in answering our prayers for help. He does seem to hide whenever we are in trouble. This is why it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” Just as the LORD tested the Israelites to see if they would be faithful to Him or not, the LORD often tests our faith as well. It isn’t for His sake but for ours. We need to know if we trust the LORD Jesus Christ or not. It always seems He comes at the last moment. Our faith is purified and strengthened by this.
2The wicked proudly hunt down the oppressed; may they be caught by their own schemes. 3The wicked man boasts of his selfish lust. He is greedy for a blessing but scorns the LORD. 4Because of his arrogance the wicked won’t ask Him for help. God is left out of all his plans, 5but he seems always to succeed. Your judgments are too high for him to see. He puffs at all his enemies. 6He thinks, “Nothing can shake me. I’ll never have any trouble.”
In opposition to the LORD’s faithful who seem to have everything going wrong for them are the wicked. They go about proudly hunting down the oppressed, that is God’s people. The psalmist prays for them to get caught in their own schemes. Can we pray this? Jesus prayed this. It does seem it is God’s will that this happen if they do not repent. As long as we leave it in God’s hands to do as He pleases I think we can voice this complaint to the LORD.
We see the wicked boasting of their selfish lust. They are greedy for blessing but scorn the LORD. They tell everyone what they are planning to do and what they want and what they want to achieve. They do not seek the LORD’s blessing on their work. They do not think the LORD exists or cares about them one way or the other. These are often self-made men. They boast and brag about all that they do and achieve. God is not included in his plans and is not invoked unless it gives him some benefit before man. He does not believe it though. Somehow, he seems to succeed to the confusion of the righteous, those who trust in the LORD. I call this the Charlie Harper syndrome. He is a character from Two and a Half Men. He is no good, does no good, but everything seems to go right for him. Until he is pushed in front of a train by his wife.
So the LORD’s judgments are too high for him to see. He puffs at his enemies and brags, “Nothing can shake me. I’ll never have any trouble.” He does not see he is standing on sand, on a slippery slope. He does not see the precipice from which he is about to fall. We often don’t see it either. We just see these people getting away with murder, theft and fraud. By faith, we know this is not the case. No one is getting away with anything. If they do not repent, judgment is knocking on their door.
We however, must continue in faith. We cry out to our heavenly Father, believing Jesus’ promise He hears us and will answer our prayer in the way, manner, time, amount and the like that is best for us and for those we pray for.
Merciful God and Father, hear us when we cry to you. Answer us quickly so we may see your salvation. Grant us patience when you delay according to our senses. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.