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#DailyDevotion What Happens To The People Who Oppose The LORD Jesus?

#DailyDevotion What Happens To The People Who Oppose The LORD Jesus?

Ob. 2 “Look, I will make you small among the nations; you’re much despised. 3 The pride in your heart deceives you. You who live in the clefts of the rock, whose home is high up, you’re thinking, ‘Is there anyone who can bring me down to the ground?’ 4 Even though you fly as high as the eagle and make your nest among the stars, I will get you down from there,” says the Lord.

See how this has come to pass? What people can you point to today who can show they are the descendants of the Edomites? They are nowhere to be found. Mixed in with the nations surrounding them, they are no more. While it is possible the inhabitants of the area they once ruled may be descendants of them, they do not know. Ultimately they have decimated as a people.

Edom rested upon the cliffs to the east of southern Israel. Despite what Jedis’ advice to have the high ground, when the LORD turns against you it does not matter. Yes, they often were able to repell enemies who came against them, the pride in their hearts of their position deceived them. Their pride in their heights would be their downfall. They should have put their faith in the LORD. Despite being descendants of Abraham, who worshiped the LORD alone, his descendants did not follow suit. Of course, the Israelites also did not remain faithful to the LORD alone either. No matter how high up, the LORD in His anger and wrath for their lack of faith in Him and in their treatment of their brother Israel, would be taken down. They would not be able to prevent the LORD’s action plan.

We should take note of this. Who or what do we look to for every help, protection, every good and helpful thing? Do we take pride in our nation’s military might? Do we take pride in our country’s great resources and economic strength? Is our faith in the “almighty” dollar? When push comes to shove are we looking to our own wealth, intelligence, power and strength? Indeed, who or what are our gods that we turn to and put our trust in?

Daily we should repent of our idolatry. Our trust should be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit alone. To this LORD solely, we look to for all good things. We are warned a number of times in the Scriptures about what the LORD will do to the nations that despise Him, rebel against Him and do not look to Him for all good things and instead put their trust in the gods of power, strength and wealth. All nations do this no matter what their motto or coat of arms says. We know all nations will reject Jesus as their king now and when He returns. That is not to say, there aren’t those in positions of rulership who do not trust Jesus. It is just that they are few and far between.

The biggest false god of all is Mammon, worldly wealth. Few are those who do not worship it and trust it, rich, middle class or poor. While we are called to be stewards of it, we should look upon it with contempt knowing it is a passing thing that rots and wastes away. It can be stolen, destroyed and the like. Eternal life, Jesus, the kingdom of God are the things we are to hold dear. God the Father preserves them for us so we may inherit them and possess them forever. May we remain faithful to Him.

Heavenly Father, grant that we remain faithful to You and Your Son Jesus Christ. May You be our only God in good times and bad. Be our pride soley. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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