#DailyDevotion What Are You Offering Christ?
Mat 2:9-12 After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. (10) When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. (11) And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. (12) And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.
When’s the last time you rejoiced exceedingly with great joy? Was it Christmas morning perhaps when you got the gift you were really hoping for? Was it when someone said yes? Well the magi, just seeing the star which pointed the way to the messiah, the King of the Jews that gave them great joy, exceedingly great joy. We don’t know how long they have traveled. We do know what they were expecting, the babe born King of the Jews.
When they got to the house (yes, they had gotten a house by this point) they saw the child with his mother Mary and they fell down and worshipped him. Now worshipping in this context would already be sending one down on their knees with the head to the floor, but these guy ‘fell down’ and worshipped. That action would go along with their rejoicing exceedingly with great joy. For the child they had come to visit was no ordinary king and they knew it. He was the King of Israel, i.e. the Living God of Israel, YHWH, Jehovah, in the flesh. He was their Maker and their Redeemer, their Savior and the Savior of the World.
Having been received by the Christ Child they opened their treasure, offering him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. No doubt, they offered him a lot of it to him. Why they didn’t know, the family would need it in the days to come when they escaped to the safety of Egypt. But the gifts were worthy of a king.
Now we as Christians, where do we stand in this? When we come to church do we recognize the presence of our king? When we receive the host and the cup which are the body and blood of the one born King of the Jews, do we rejoice exceedingly with great joy? When was the last time you fell to the ground and worshipped Christ Jesus with joy? What do you offer him? Do you give him your best or your leftovers? What does Christ really want of you who believe in him? Christ wants the hearts of those who believe in him. He has come to take possession of our hearts and make his throne there.
Indeed Christ wants all of us. Is there anything we are holding back from Jesus? Is there some aspect of our life we don’t want Jesus ruling over. Is there something of ourselves we don’t want Christ ruling over? Then perhaps we haven’t thoroughly understood the gift Christ has given to us. For Jesus has held nothing back from us that is his. Upon the cross he offered himself fully and completely. Jesus has offered us his life, eternal life. He has given us his righteousness. Jesus has given us his kingdom. The glory of Christ Jesus will clothe us in the world to come. Indeed we do not even know or comprehend the riches Christ Jesus has prepared to give us at his revelation. All this he has given to us freely, as a gift. He has rejoiced exceedingly with great joy over you.
Gracious God and Father, you have given us your Son Jesus Christ and he has given himself and all he possesses unto all who trust in him. Grant us faith to believe this and to respond exceedingly with great joy and offering ourselves and everything we have to him. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.