#DailyDevotion True Peace Is Knowing God Loves You No Matter What You Feel
John 14:27- 3127“I leave peace with you; I give you My peace. I don’t give it to you as the world gives it. Don’t be troubled or afraid. 28You heard Me tell you, ‘I’m going away, but I’m coming back to you. If you loved Me, you’d be glad I’m going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I.29“I’ve told you this now before it happens, so that when it happens, you believe. 30I won’t say much to you any more, because the ruler of the world is coming. He has no claim on Me. 31But I want the world to know I love the Father and am doing just what the Father ordered Me to do. Come, let us go.”
Peace. People really often talk about wanting peace. But I don’t think they really want peace. What they want is for people to leave them alone. People will often deal with a great deal of tyranny if only they are left alone. When countries go to war and one sues for peace, they usually have to surrender a great deal to the winning side to live in peace. Jesus’ peace is not like that. Jesus gives us peace through his horrific suffering and death. Jesus gives us peace by shedding his blood. The peace Jesus gives indeed, just as it cost him everything also bids us to sacrifice everything for him. It it peace between you and God. Jesus’ peace removes God’s wrath from us and ushers us into his love. Jesus’ peace is abiding because of his one and perfect sacrifice. When we have the peace of Jesus that peace comforts us no matter what is going on around us. If everything around us is falling down, if we lose everything and everyone one in our lives like Job, we know it isn’t because God is angry with us for Jesus is our guarantee of peace. We need not be troubled or afraid in the good, the bad or the boring.
Jesus tells his apostles if they loved him they would be glad he is going back to the Father because the Fatehr is greater than him. I guess there are a couple of ways one could take that. One is Jesus humbled himself becoming human and he is speaking according to his human nature. The Father, while coeternal with Jesus, is still the source or head in the Holy Trinity, Jesus being eternally begotten of the Father. As Jesus returns to the Father he is enthroned to his former glory but now with his human nature and as the Son of David. Since Jesus goes to the Father, we too, being one with him are joined to the Father.
The ruler of the world is Satan. Paul calls him the god of this world. He has no claim on Jesus. Jesus resisted him in the wilderness and he resisted him on the cross. He was coming for Jesus through Judas and the Jewish Sanhedrin and the Romans. Even upon the cross though, Jesus gave up his spirit. It was not taken from him. By giving up his life, Jesus showed us he loved the Father by keeping and doing the Father’s will. He demonstrates his love for the Father and for us in going to the cross to take away our transgressions and sins. The cross is his proclamation to the world of his love for God the Father. You are part of this world. You see in Jesus his love for the Father. You also see in Jesus the Father’s love for you. In the Father’s love you have the peace of Jesus.
Heavenly Father, grant us faith to believe in the peace you have given us in Jesus Christ so we, may no matter this world and the devil may through at us, we can be at peace in our hearts and know your great love for us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.