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#DailyDevotion There Are Three Types Of People Christians Encounter

#DailyDevotion There Are Three Types Of People Christians Encounter

Mark 6:19 And Herodias had a grudge against him and wanted to put him to death. But she could not, 20 for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and he kept him safe. When he heard him, he was greatly perplexed, and yet he heard him gladly.


There are generally three responses to the Christian message. One is hatred. One is thanksgiving. One is well finds it interesting but is unwilling to give themselves to it. The third is most dangerous because you never really know where you stand with them.


Herod’s wife represents the first. The Christians message is both law and gospel. It judges and condemns sin and it pronounces forgiveness for those who recognize their sinfulness and repent. As long as your “Christian love” ignores their “pagan sin” they’re just happy with you. But if you ever get around to confronting them with their sin to call them to repentance, well like Herod’s wife towards John, they want to kill you. A hatred towards you will rise up in them like nothing else. To such people we are 2Co 2:16 ESV  “… a fragrance from death to death, …” You smell like death to them because you are calling them to die to their former way of life and to their gods, the things they trust the most.


John would be the second. He heard Christ’s word through Mary and leaped for joy in his mother’s womb. The woman caught in adultery, Zacheaus, Mary Magdalene, and even Peter, those released from demonic possession, all confronted with their sinfulness and crushed by it but rejoicing in the good news of forgiveness and acceptance by Jesus. In the world there are many who are crushed and heavy burdened by their sins. They think there is no hope. Yet Jesus gives them hope and they respond with thankfulness.


Then there are those like Herod. They’re conflicted. They don’t like being confronted with their sins but they find the Christian message intriguing and gladly here. Many people like this sit in churches every Sunday. They would never tell you they don’t really believe any of this stuff well maybe a few would. If they were ever asked and they were honest they probably would admit they find it all intriguing and would think it is wonderful if it were only true. But it is all myth or stories to them. They like looking for life lessons and how to improve their lives but repent of their sins? Confess their sins? Trust Jesus died for their sins and gives them forgiveness and eternal life, well it’s not something they’re willing to die for. These people have a fancy for the faith but not faith itself. And like Herod, when it comes to it, they’d turn on you in a second for their honor or life than stand up for the Christian faith or for Christians.


The first you can actually work with and if you can be patient with them they may actually come around to faith. The second well we just rejoice with and build each other up. The third Jesus speaks calling them lukewarm. Such ones are the hardest to ever have them come to a true faith, but nothing is impossible with God.


Lord Jesus Christ, grant us always faith that we may be truly repentant of our sins and look to you for forgiveness and life. Give us your Holy Spirit always that when we open our mouths to those we encounter we may rightly and faithfully speak your word to them. Amen.

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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