#DailyDevotion The LORD Takes Care Of Us
Psalm 147 12Jerusalem, praise the LORD! Praise your God, Zion! 13He made the bars of your gates strong and blessed your children within you. 14He brings peace to your border and gives you plenty of the finest wheat. 15He sends His order throughout the earth; His word runs very fast. 16He gives snow like wool and scatters hoarfrost like ashes. 17He throws down His hailstones like bread crumbs — who can stand before His icy blast? 18He sends His word and melts the ice, makes the wind blow and the waters flow. 19He speaks His word to Jacob, His laws and decrees to Israel. 20He hasn’t done this for any other nation; they do not know His decrees. Praise the LORD!
In this third section of the song the psalmist calls on Jerusalem and Zion to praise the LORD. One of the reasons he gives to praise the LORD is how He has made the gate strong and blessed the children in her. As long as the people living there will be faithful to the Lord and follow His Commandments and the Torah He would be with them. And it’s His desire to do this but He cannot leave sin unpunished. It seems to be written after the Babylonian exile to the Jewish people who are most likely on their best behavior here. If you read through Ezra and Nehemiah we can see how the LORD brought peace to their border and gave them plenty of the finest wheat. The LORD takes care of them.
See here how the LORD sends His order throughout the earth and His word goes swiftly to do His command. He describes how He provides water for the crops and for the people to drink in the land. Whether it be snow, or frost, hailstones, or ice, The LORD sends for peace things and then sends the wind blow to melt the ice to make it suitable for the land for the people.
Here then he returns to the graciousness to the people of Judah and Israel the LORD has given. He has given His word his laws and His decrees. He had not done this for any other people at this time. They were to be witnesses of His word to the world. For this they were to praise the Lord.
Now the Lord has given us a new covenant in which he calls all people of every language, tribe, people, and nation. Lord blesses the earth with all that it needs for the sake of his holy people everywhere. He sends the rain, the snow, the sunshine, the warmth comma and whatever else is needed Support his children in the world. The rest of the world is blessed because his people exist among them and the Lord provides for his people through the world.
Not only does the LORD provide for us all the blessings of this world for us to survive in it, but like the people of Israel,He has provided us His word the gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ and we may know Him, love Him, and fear him. The LORD continues to provide for us word in sacrament so we may know His great love for us, His great Mercy for us, and His great sacrifice for us. The knowledge at once was once for the Israelites, the Lord has made known to the world now through the Church.
For all these things, taking care of our bodily needs And taking care of our spiritual needs, we are called upon to give thanks praise and thanksgiving to the LORD our God, through Jesus Christ Our LORD.
Merciful and gracious father, We do give you thanks and praise for providing for us all of our bodily needs, Most of all we are thankful and give You praise for sending Your son Jesus Christ into the world to redeem us. We thank you for sending the holy Apostles and all the ministers of Christ throughout the world, to bring us this good news if we may hear it and believe it. Have mercy on us and keep us always in this faith until life everlasting. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen