#DailyDevotion The Lord Has Spoken It. He Will Do It
Eze. 17:24 And all the trees of the field shall know that I am the Lord; I bring low the high tree, and make high the low tree, dry up the green tree, and make the dry tree flourish. I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it.”
If you take anything out of reading the Bible it is this, the Lord does what he says he is going to. The Lord speaks and he will do it. So throughout the bible the Lord makes promises and he performs what he says he will do. He said he was sending a flood and there was a flood. He told Abraham his descendents would go down to Egypt for 400 years and then he would take them up and settle them in the land he promised and he did it.
He told the Israelites to obey him and if they did everything would be great but if they didn’t he would make them serve the people whose gods they were worshipping and he did that. The Lord said he was going to exile the Northern tribes by the hand of the Assyrians and he did. Then the Lord said he was going to exile Judah to Babylon and bring them back 70 years later and he did just that.
The Lord promised a Messiah, born of the seed of a woman. He would be of the seed of David. He would heal the sick, give sight to the blind, give the gospel to the poor, he would suffer, die, be buried and rise from the dead on the third day and ascend into heaven. Jesus was the fulfillment of those promises. He said Jesus’ death would be the propitiation for our sins. His blood would cover and wash away our iniquity and guilt. Lo and behold it did.
The Lord said he was coming back one day to judge the living and the dead and he was going to raise all the dead on that day. He promised eternal life, grace, mercy and forgiveness to all who trusted in him and eternal perdition to all those who rejected him.
So what are you going to do? The Lord has fulfill, he has done everything in the past he has promised in the Bible. There are a few things left to fulfill mainly covering the last day, Judgment Day and the World to come. Are you going ignore all that he has promised and fulfilled and think he will not do all that he has promised? If he has done all said he was going to do in the past, he will complete all that he said he was going to do. Jesus is coming back. He is going to raise the dead and transform those still living on that day. He will give eternal life to all who trusted him and his promises. He will cast into perdition those who rejected him. Trust Jesus.
Gracious God and Father, you have said so many things in Scripture and have done them. Grant us faith to trust Jesus and the word you have spoken that we may receive the good things you have spoken and not the punishment you have pronounced on all those who reject your word. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.