#DailyDevotion The Death Of Jesus the Messiah Wins For Us Eternal Salvation
Romans 5:6–116At the right time, while we were still helpless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7a man will hardly die for a righteous person; oh, for a kind person someone may dare to die. 8But God shows how He loves us by this, that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. 9Now that His blood has declared us righteous, we are all the more certain He will save us from God’s anger. 10If while we were His enemies we were made God’s friends by the death of His Son, now that we are His friends we are all the more certain He will save us by His life. 11More than that, we rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has now given us this friendship.
How great and wide is the love of God toward us in Christ Jesus. “At the right time, while we were still helpless, Christ died for the ungodly.” Yes, when we were helpless and sinners, Christ died for us. Our Father purposed the time in which his Son would become man in order to die for the sin of the world. We can look back 20/20 and see all that was brought into being in order for his dying to have the maximum effect: everyone spoke Greek, the Roman peace and roads made for safe travel by land and sea, the Jews had settled all around the Roman world waiting to hear the Good News of Christ. Christ Jesus died, the righteous for the unrighteous. You think you’re not all that bad? You think you have something within yourself to escape the wrath of God? Then you don’t need Christ. He did not die for you. But if you were helpless to save yourself, Christ Jesus died for you. Paul tells us, 2Co 5: 14“The love of Christ compels us because we’re convinced One died for all and so all have died. 15He died for all that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him Who died and rose for them.” Indeed, while you may not think you need Christ Jesus to die for you, he died for you anyway so that you may live for him and died and rose for you.
When Adam sinned, his soul died and his body was to follow. We all followed our father Adam in his sin and so we too all are dead awaiting our bodily death. Paul tells us, Rom 6:23“The wages paid by sin is death, but the gift given freely by God in Christ Jesus our Lord is everlasting life.” Yes, Jesus’ death saved us from God’s anger. Indeed, his death has made us God’s friends. We deserve to die both bodily and spiritually. In Christ Jesus, through his death, we as given his eternal life now and will spared the eternal death waiting for those who reject him. As God’s friends, we are saved by Christ’s life. Paul also writes, Col 1:22“but now by dying in His human body He has made you friends in order to have you stand before Him without sin or fault or blame.” Jesus’ death allows us to be friends with God so we may stand before God the Father without sin or fault or blame. How glorious is the death of Jesus on Good Friday that it could accomplish such a feat!
We are joined to Christ’s death in our baptism, Rom 6:3“Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?” In our baptism we experience the death of Christ as our death, our payment for sin.” Since Christ rose and conquered death, our baptism into his death is also our baptism into his eternal life. It frees us so we no longer need be a slave to sin any longer nor to the fear of death, for death no longer has a hold on us. We never die in Christ for he has put his life into us.
Heavenly Father, you have made us your friends by the death of your son Jesus Christ and put us into his death through baptism. You have granted us eternal life in Christ so we may stand before you boldly and confidently. Grant us faith to believe this always. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.