#DailyDevotion The Blood Of Jesus Cleanses Us From Sin
Heb. 1 …He made a cleansing from sins,
This is a pretty good summary of the book of Hebrews. He will spend a lot of time on how Jesus made a cleansing from sins. He will spend some time speaking on what it means that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. And probably half of the letter is about how Jesus is better than anything or anyone else. We have already seen how He has spoken a word better than Moses and the prophets.
Jesus has made a cleansing from sin, of this we can be sure. In Lev. 16 it is written, “ 9Aaron should bring forward the goat that by lot was given to the LORD and sacrifice him for sin…15He should kill the goat as a sacrifice for the people’s sins, and taking the blood inside the curtain, he should do with its blood what he did with the bull’s blood — sprinkle it on the atonement cover and in front of the cover 16and atone for the holy place, taking away the uncleanness of the Israelites, their wrongs, that is, all their sins.” This goat was a type of Christ. Jesus is the fulfillment of that type. There was also the sacrifice for the high priest which cleansed him from his sins. There were sacrifices for unintentional sins the priests, the people as a whole and individuals committed. There were the morning and evening sacrifices, and the blood of the Passover lamb which reminded the Israelites the angel of death passed over them. There were the sacrifices to make one ritually clean as well. All these are fulfilled by the shedding of blood by Jesus Christ.
In Romans 3 Paul says, “ 25God publicly set Him up to be the Atonement Cover through faith in His blood, to show His righteousness even though He had patiently passed by the sins done in the past.” In 5:8 he writes, “Now that His blood has declared us righteous, we are all the more certain He will save us from God’s anger.” In Eph. 1 he writes, “7Who bought us with His blood to forgive our sins and set us free.” In Col. 1 he says, “20and by Him to reconcile to Himself everything on earth and in heaven in a peace made by the blood on His cross.” Peter in his first epistle writes, “18knowing that you were freed from the worthless life you inherited from your fathers, not by a payment of silver or gold, which perish, 19but by the precious blood of Christ, the Lamb without a fault or a spot.” In John 1:7 it is written, “he blood of Jesus, His Son, washes us clean from every sin.”
Later in the epistle, the author will elaborate on how Jesus did in the heavenly Holy of Holies with His own blood, once for all, what the high priest did every year. These sacrifices of the Old Testament point us to Jesus Christ, whose innocent suffering and death won for us the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
Merciful God and Father, You have demonstrated Your great love for us by sacrificing Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, for our sins, so we may be cleansed from them and be able to approach Your mercy seat in the heavenly throne-room of grace. Grant us faith to trust in this sacrifice so we may come to You with every need, prayer, praise and thanksgiving with a clear and clean conscience. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.