#DailyDevotion The Apostolic Church Is Israel & The Temple Of God
Eph. 2:19-22 19So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, 21in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. 22In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.
We say in the creeds, “We believe in one holy apostolic catholic Church.” We believe this because it is an article of faith. We cannot prove it from the evidence we see. If anything the Church doesn’t look like one, there are numerous denominations. But what about apostolic stuff?
Well first let’s take a look at this oneness stuff. Spiritually speaking, Israel is the Church and the Church is Israel. Whatever promises God the LORD made to Israel those promises belong to the Church, all those people who believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation. We read in the previous verses that God the Father has made both Jews and Gentile one body through the blood of Christ and established a new covenant to inaugurate this new but also continuing entity known as Israel. For you see Jesus is Israel. Just as Jesus is the New Adam and Jesus is the New David, Jesus is also the New Israel. The old Israel broke the LORD’s covenant. They did not fulfill all that the LORD wanted them to fulfill. So now Jesus has gone back into their place and came out of Egypt, was tempted in the wilderness, crossed the Jordan, over came the demons, and obeyed the LORD his God in everything. Now in baptism we are grafted into Christ Jesus and made one body with him.
This body, this temple of God, the Church has a foundation and a cornerstone. Jesus is the cornerstone. Everything emanates from him. He directs the lines of the temple. The apostles are the foundation of this temple (hence apostolic church). Through them Jesus’ teaching went forth, were preached, congregations established and Jesus’ word written down. Everything the Father gave to Jesus, Jesus gave to the apostles. Everything Jesus gave to the apostles, they apostles gave to the Church. And what they gave is all contained in the written scriptures. That which is called Church must have as its foundations the teachings of the apostles and that can be recognized by its matching up with what the scriptures teach when you read them.
Now this household of God, the Church, Israel, Mt. Zion, the temple of God is still growing and being joined together. Jesus is that Son of David who builds the temple of the LORD without human hands. Each one of us building stones in the habitation of our God. But there is more. Not only are we the building blocks, but each one of us individually is also the temple of the LORD. Paul writes, “In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” Our bodies are currently temples of God and they are being renovated. Outwardly we may be wasting away, but inwardly we are being renewed by the Holy Spirit. Thanks be to God it is the Holy Spirit who does this work in us of conforming us into the image and will of Jesus Christ. This work of renovation is done “in Christ.” All our salvation and everything that pertains to it takes place there and Christ does not fail. Thanks be to God.
Heavenly Father, grant us faith to believe in one holy apostolic catholic Church and makes living stones in that temple that we also may be a fit dwelling place for you, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.