#DailyDevotion Return To The LORD Jesus Christ & Be Restored
Jeremiah 1519So the LORD said this: “If you will return, I will restore you and you will stand before Me. If you will bring out what is precious from what is worthless, you will speak for Me. These people should come back to you, but you should not go back to them. 20I will make you a bronze wall that these people can’t climb. When they fight against you, they will not win against you, because I will be with you to save you and rescue you,” says the LORD. 21“I will rescue you from wicked men and free you from the power of tyrants.”
Yesterday, we heard Jeremiah’s complaint to the LORD. It ended with him basically accusing the LORD of lying in an indirect way. You may feel that way yourselves sometimes. We must remember we are one of many cogs (though individually loved and known) which a purpose greater than which can imagine our part in it and well we just don’t always know how or why God is going to use our personal tragedy.
The LORD calls Jeremiah to shuv, to return, to repent. He doesn’t say what to repent of or turn to, but based on what follows I think he means to return to the LORD. You can imagine a child stomping off after being chastised by his parents shouting and stomping their feet. The parent gently calls them to come back. The LORD is telling Jeremiah if he returns to him, then he will return to Jeremiah and restore him. By restore him I believe he means that he will give him the strength to continue his mission. After we have a tantrum with the LORD it is good for us to turn back to the LORD with faith and trust. He will provide us with our daily bread, whatever we need to continue on with life.
These next words from the LORD to Jeremiah in a sense make him a prefigure of Jesus the LORD. The people Jeremiah preaches to should return to him, to hear his word and submit to it. He should go to them and submit to them. With the words of the LORD upon his lips the LORD makes Jeremiah as a brass wall. No matter how much the leaders and rulers, the priests and prophets fight against Jeremiah they will not overcome him or his word. The LORD promises he will be with Jeremiah, save him and rescue him. Indeed, while Jeremiah often gets the brunt of the people’s anger and he suffers much, Jeremiah is ultimately delivered by the LORD.
In similar fashion, because of the testimony of his mouth, our LORD Jesus Christ suffered much at the hands of men, Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, the priests and the government. They did punish him and kill him on a cross. As such, we must see ourselves in Christ in this life. The deliverance and rescue we are looking for may not always come in this life. Jesus went to the cross, died and was buried. You too, or someone you love may suffer and eventually end up dead. Yet the Father rescued and delivered Jesus on the third day. He rose never to suffer or die again. He is raised to eternal life and reigns with the Father at his right hand. In similar fashion, the Jesus’ presence will give us courage and strength during the course of our trials, even unto death. But Jesus is returning. He is the LORD who rescues, saves and delivers. He will raise us up also, all who trust in him, from the dead to eternal life. We too will live and reign with him forever.
Heavenly Father, grant us your Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus that we may return to you every day that we may stand in your merciful presence and be restored to strength to face the day. On the Last Day, raise us to everlasting life to live and reign with your Son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen.