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#DailyDevotion Return To The LORD. He Will Take You Back

#DailyDevotion Return To The LORD. He Will Take You Back

Hos. 14 Israel, return to the LORD your God; because of your own sin you have fallen. 2Take with you something to say and return to the LORD. Ask Him, “Forgive all wrong, and receive us graciously. Then we’ll offer the sacrifice of our lips. 3Assyria will not save us. We’ll not ride on war horses anymore, or again call something our hands have made, ‘Our God! For You are the One Who loves the orphan.”

We must remember the LORD’s primary will towards us is mercy, kindness, steadfast love and forgiveness. He doesn’t take pleasure in the death of the wicked. So He calls Israel to repent, to turn to the LORD with their heart, soul, mind, spirit and strength. Their sins were a stumbling block and caused them to fall. The LORD though is the Rock upon which they and we can stand. That Rock is Jesus Christ, the LORD. We need to turn from our sins and all our false gods, all our crutches which we have turned to instead of the LORD and turn to God, the LORD.

When they and we turn to the LORD, we are to take something with us. Not that we bring a sacrifice of a sheep, goat or bull. They could never wipe away our sins. The LORD is not so mechanical as that. The prophet gives us the words to speak when we turn to the LORD, “Forgive all wrong, and receive us graciously.” It is the confession, the admission of our guilt He is looking for. He wants us to know what is separating us from Him. As we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness, a sacrifice of our lips, that of praise and thanksgiving is appropriate to give to the LORD for His great kindness, mercy, steadfast love and forgiveness He shows us.

What sins should the Israelites confess? They looked to Assyria for help and the looked to Egypt for help. They trusted in their warhorses instead of the LORD. They called upon idols which they made instead of the LORD. What have we been trusting? Sex, drugs, alcohol, social media, Democrats, Republicans, government, our jobs, our businesses, our spouses, our children and family, our bank accounts, IRAs, 401ks, and credit, are any of these things you turn to instead of the LORD for help in EVERY need? Let us turn from these false gods to Jesus Christ and Him alone as our help, strength, joy and wealth.

The Israelites were as orphans because they rejected God as Father. Good for them they may remember the LORD loves the orphan. All the false gods they had left them as orphans because they could not truly help or satisfy their wants and needs. Have we made orphans of ourselves being like the prodigal son who leaves homes and waste all the good God has given us. God the Father loves the orphan and is waiting for you to return. If you turn from all your crutches, your false gods and turn to the Father instead, He will show you His love and will truly take care of you as He knows you need to be taken care of. How long will we stand back from prayer and not trust in the LORD Jesus Christ our God or His Father for our every good, our every need? He may not do things the way you think He ought to do them. He will provide you what is good, salutary, helpful and needful for you. You may not see it at first. We are so full of ourselves. But the Father has all wisdom and knows best how to raise us, His children. Trust Him and trust in His plan for you. Then your heart can be at rest and you will not need to fear anyone, anything, the past, the present or the future.

Heavenly Father, we have sinned against You by trusting in created things instead of you for every good. Give us Your Holy Spirit so we may truly turn to You and trust You for every good thing. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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