#DailyDevotion Learn Your Lesson From Unfaithful Israelites
Micah 2 8But recently My people have risen as an enemy. You strip off the coat from the clothing of the man walking along without a care and not wanting to fight. 9You drive out the women of My people from their delightful homes and take away My glory from their young children forever. 10Get up and go — this is not the place to rest, because it is unclean; it will destroy you and annihilate you. 11If a fraud and liar says, ‘I will preach to you about wine and liquor,’ he would be the preacher these people want.”
So not only the rich and powerful are sinning against the LORD but the people also have risen against the LORD their God. How did they do that? Verses 8 and 9 describe their violations against the Law of the LORD in Deuteronomy, particularly these passages: Dt. 24 12If the man is poor, don’t hold his garment as security overnight. 13Be sure to bring it back to him when the sun goes down. He will lie down in his garment and bless you, and it will be considered a righteous deed for you in the sight of the LORD your God. . . 17“Don’t violate the rights of strangers and orphans, and don’t take a widow’s dress to guarantee payment.
Such is the case in a capitalist society that is not also a Christian society. There is no mercy and kindness when dealing with the god of mammon. But just because the world acts this way doesn’t mean we should. While we are not under the Mosaic law in Christ, His commands to us are not any easier when He says in Matt. 5, “38“You have heard it said: “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39“But I tell you, don’t oppose an evil man. If anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other cheek to him. 40If anyone wants to sue you for your shirt, let him have your coat, too. 41If anyone makes you go one mile, go two miles with him. 421f anyone asks you for anything, give it to him, and when anyone wants to borrow from you, don’t turn away.
The LORD tells the Israelites to get up and go. They are to leave their place of rest, that is, their land. The land was their place of rest as Moses tells them in Dt. 12 9“because you haven’t yet come to your place of rest, the heritage the LORD your God is giving you. 10But you will cross over the Jordan and live in the land the LORD your God is giving you as your own, and He will give you rest from all your enemies around you so that you will live safely.” But they have not lived as the LORD’s people so they will have no rest. When we put our faith in Jesus He becomes our rest. His kingdom is our eternal Sabbath. (Heb. 3 & 4)
They are to leave because their sins have made the land unclean. The prophets Hosea and Ezekiel tell us how they have done that. Hos 5 3“I know Ephraim, and Israel isn’t hidden from Me. Ephraim, you are now living in sexual sin, and Israel has made herself unclean.” Ezek 20 7“I told them, “Throw out the filthy gods you’re gazing at and don’t defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.” 23:7 “She gave herself sexually to them, to all the best of the Assyrians; she defiled herself with the idols of all those with whom she fell in love.” Have we polluted this good land the LORD has given us? Do we pollute our bodies, His holy temple?
The sarcastic description of the false teachers tells us how badly His people have fallen away from His truth. False teachers abound among us also, telling itchy ears what they want to hear. Do we keep our ears fixed on the words of Jesus? Do we tolerate false preachers in our churches?
Heavenly Father, forgives us our sins and uncleanness for the sake of Jesus and may His blood and Spirit purify us to live holy lives before You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.