#DailyDevotion Jesus Is The LORD’s Cornestone In Whom Is Our Trust & Praise
1 Peter 26The Bible says: “I am laying in Zion a Cornerstone, chosen and precious, and if you believe in Him, you’ll never be disappointed.” 7He is precious to you who believe, but to those who do not believe “He is the Stone which, rejected by the builders, has become the Cornerstone, 8the Stone they stumble over and the Rock they fall over.” When they disobey the Word, they stumble over it; that’s the end appointed for them. 9But you are a chosen people, priests of the King, a holy nation, a people saved to be His own and to tell of the wonderful deeds of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 10Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people. Once you had received no mercy, but now you have received mercy.
We can see in verse six that the Cornerstone which the LORD places in Zion is equal to himself. We are told if we trust in that Cornerstone we would never be disappointed. Nowhere in scripture is such a claim made except for someone who is equal to the LORD. The Cornerstone and the LORD speaking are two distinct beings yet they are one. For Isaiah writes, whom Peter is quoting, it is the LORD GOD speaking and He is distinct from the Cornerstone. Yet the LORD is talking about him like he talks about himself, yet denies this attribute to any other God or human being. Jesus is that Cornerstone and he is God and Man.
Jesus is precious to us who believe. He is precious to us because he sacrificed himself for us. He became our scapegoat. He became the atoning sacrifice for our sin. He is our peace offering and sin offering to God the Father. By his death and resurrection he has conquered sin and death for us so we may be free from our sins and their accusations and the punishment for sin. Because of Jesus we are now sons of God and heirs of God. But to those who reject him he has become a stumbling block and the Rock they fall over. He is the Rock who crushes them and turns them into dust. Eternal death, the Lake of Fire is their appointed end as it is for the angels who rebelled against him early in the creation.
But now Peter lifts up all believers in Christ. He points out that they are the true Israel of God, the promised seed of Abraham. The words once spoken to Israel by the LORD in the wilderness, the words once spoken by the prophet Hosea are fulfilled not in Israel who continues to reject Jesus as LORD but in all people who but their trust in Jesus who is Israel and David. We are “priests of the King, a holy nation, a people saved to be His own and to tell of the wonderful deeds of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” Such were the physical descendants of Jacob called but some did not listen. So the LORD called the Gentiles too and they became children for Abraham and Israel. The Church is the LORD’s holy nation. We are called to tell of all the wonderful things he has done. As Hosea said, “once we were not a people but now we are God’s people. Once we had received no mercy, now we have received mercy.” Being baptized into Christ Jesus, having his name put on us and having received the promised Holy Spirit, we now believe and put our trust in Jesus the LORD. In him alone will we not be disappointed. In him alone do we have a hope. In him alone do we sing and praise for the wonderful work he has done in saving us.
Heavenly Father, may we always sing the praises of your Son Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone and so enter your eternal kingdom, Zion being his priests forever in his temple. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Thank you