#DailyDevotion Jesus Is The King Of Glory
Psalm 24 5Such a person will get a blessing from the LORD and righteousness from God Who saves him. 6Such are the people who are searching for Him and coming to You for help, God of Jacob. (Music)
The person in verse 5 here is the person in verse 4, one whose hands are clean and who is pure of heart. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the one who fits the bill here. He received the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from God saved Him from the grave. Yet, now, through the preaching of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit works in and through us to be such people who search for the kingdom of heaven and righteousness and come to the LORD, our God and Father, for help. In Christ Jesus and through faith in Him we receive blessings and righteousness from His clean hands and pure heart. By being baptized into Jesus we are able to have a clean conscience now and on the day of judgment.
To have a God is to look to Him for blessing, help, and His presence. Sometimes we have not looked to the one true God for these things. Instead, we look to the things which are blessings, helps, and sometimes feelings of His presence. To do that is to turn those things into false gods, idols. God our Father wants us only looking to Him in Christ Jesus for these things.
(Congregation entering:) 7O gates, rise O doors of the everlasting One, that the King of glory may come in! (Voice:) 8Who is the King of glory? (Leader:) The LORD, strong and mighty! The LORD, a hero in battle! (Congregation:) 9O gates, rise O doors of the everlasting One, in that the King of glory may come in! (Voice:) 10Who is the King of glory? (Congregation:) The LORD of armies, He is the King of glory. (Music)
Now, on one level, we see our LORD Jesus Christ, who is the everlasting One, who is the King of glory, entering into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday as the crowds and His disciples cry and sing aloud, “Hosanna, Hosanna to the son of David. Hosanna in the highest.” Even so, Jesus is entering into Zion here to begin His battle and win the war against sin, death and the power of the devil. On another level, we see the eternal gates of heaven opening wide on the day of the ascension. On that day the LORD Jesus Christ went up with a shout into the throne-room of the Father and took His place at the Father’s right hand. He was indeed a hero in battle. He was strong and mighty. He had overcome our ancient foe by not giving into temptation. He had overcome our sins and judgment by becoming for us an atoning sacrifice, the redemption and ransom from death, and the propitiation for our sins.
Having ascended to the right hand of the Father, through the preaching of this good news, the King of glory, Jesus Christ, enters through the gates of our hearts, overcomes the guilt and the shame of our sins, and makes our hearts His throne and home. There Jesus begins to make His reign known in our hearts. Even if we sin, His reign is still there calling us to confess our sin, that God is right, and we can only stand before Him by His grace, mercy, kindness, steadfast love and forgiveness. Confessing such things shows His reign over our hearts. He also begins to make manifest His life in our lives. If we stole, we steal no more. If we were sexually impure, we become clean. We were addicts, we no longer worship these false gods. We were unkind, we become kind. We were unkind and stingy, He makes us kind and generous. Such is the reign and rule of Christ, the King of glory in our lives. It may not be perfected in this life, but through faith, He makes a beginning of it.
Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for sending the King of glory, Jesus into our lives. Grant us faith that He may rule our hearts, minds, and lives. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.