#DailyDevotion Jesus Is David’s Son Who Has Justice, Righteousness & Peace
Psalm 72 O God, give the King Your justice and the King’s Son Your righteousness, 2that He may judge Your people with righteousness and Your poor with justice. 3May mountains bring well-being to the people and the hills righteousness.
The inscription of this Psalm is translated a number of ways, either of, to or for Solomon. Given the nature of this Psalm, I lean towards “for Solomon,” as it seems to be the prayer or blessing of David, who is king on behalf of his son who is becoming king.
He prays that he would receive justice from God and that his son Solomon would receive God’s righteousness. This is not for them though. It is for the people whom they serve. The purpose is so the people are judged with righteousness and the poor with justice. We know the poor do not always receive justice because they cannot afford the lawyers who can properly represent them nor have influence over the judges because they lack the funds to exert that influence. God’s judges though are to be impartial. The king over them even more so. We should daily pray for the poor to receive justice and impartiality in the courts of law. He expects if the LORD does this even the land itself will bring well-being and righteousness to its inhabitants.
David’s descendant, Jesus of Nazareth ultimately fulfills this Psalm when He returns in judgment. His people will be judged with righteousness and the poor with justice. He is the King of Peace (shalom) and as such will usher in a world of well-being (shalom) and righteousness. God the Father has given to Jesus authority to judge and to rule. We will see this rule when He returns. This authority of bringing justice, righteousness and peace is our hope.
4Then He will give justice to those who suffer, save the children of the poor, and crush the oppressor. 5They will fear You’ as long as there’s a sun and a shining moon, throughout the generations. 6He will come down like rain on mown grass, like showers that water the earth. 7In His days the righteous man will flourish, and peace will abound until the moon is no more. 8He will rule from sea to sea and from the Euphrates to the ends of the world.
On the day of the King of Peace’s reign, Jesus will give justice to those who suffer, the poor’s children will be saved and the oppressor will be crushed. When Jesus ushers in His reign of peace He will be feared by all. Not that we will be in terror but rather in awe, the awe one should have in the presence of God and His glory. What will the world be like? The Psalm gives us an idea. We, who have the righteousness of Christ through faith in Him will flourish. All will be well with us. God’s peace will abound to us and for us unto all eternity. For Jesus’ reign will extend unto the ends of the earth. Everything and everyone will be subject to Him. We will reign with Him.
It will then be as it is written in Rev. 21, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, because the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. And there was no longer any sea…3And I heard a loud voice from the throne say: ‘Look! God’s home is among the people, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, and there will be no more grief or crying or pain, because the first things have passed away.’ 5′Look! I am making everything new,’ said He Who sat on the throne.”
Heavenly Father, may Your Son Jesus Christ rule over the world even now with Your justice and righteousness and grant us faith in Him so we may live under Him and His reign when He comes again in glory and gives us His peace unto all eternity. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.