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#DailyDevotion Jesus Heals Us Completely At The Resurrection

#DailyDevotion Jesus Heals Us Completely At The Resurrection

Mark 6:53-5653 They crossed over and came to the shore at Gennesaret and anchored there. 54 As soon as they stepped out of the boat, the people recognized Him. 55They ran all over that part of the country and started to carry the sick on their beds to any place where they heard He was. 56 And wherever He came – to villages, towns, or farms — they would lay down the sick in the public places and beg Him just to let them touch the tassel of His garment. And all who touched it were made well.

Sometimes I think we take modern medicine for granted. We even have unreasonable expectations of modern medicine. I don’t blame anyone for that. After all, we watch a one hour TV episode of some doctor show and a person comes into the hospital or some doctor’s office with some strange symptoms and within the hour, the doctor figures out the problem and ta da! The person is healed. Thank God, occasionally the doctor on the TV show occasionally can’t figure it out and the person dies. Even with that, people still have this expectation they will be healed in the span of a TV show. Look, there’s a reason it’s called the practice of medicine and not the doing of medicine. They are practicing it on you. So when you don’t get the results you are looking for in the time you are expecting try to remember they are just practicing.

I bring this up because of what is happening in this Gospel text. After Jesus and the disciples get off the boat, they are recognized. Mark says they ran all over the country and carried the sick on their beds to Jesus to have him heal them. We may at times not realize that even while the History channel may have some episode how in some places there were some advanced medical procedures, for the most part, when you were sick, there wasn’t a whole lot of hope for you. People may have had some medicines derived from herbs and the like, and they may have helped at some time. But if you were sick back then, you were in a lot of trouble. Death was knocking at your door. So when people heard Jesus was healing paralytics, removing fevers, making the lame walk, blind see, death hear and dumb talk well they were going to do everything they could to get their loved ones to him. They must have heard about the woman who just touched the tassels on his garment and was healed because they were begging Jesus to do just that. Everyone who touched it was healed.

Jesus did all these healings at this time to give witness to himself, who he was and what he had come to do. He gave this authority also to the apostles so their teaching concerning him so people would believe their message about Jesus. We have their writings and their witness to these Jesus did so we may believe who Jesus is and what he has done for us. And what is that witness? Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of the Living God. He is God in our flesh who in that flesh paid the ransom for our sins and paid the price for those sins, namely death. Jesus fulfilled what was prophesied concerning him so you may put your trust in him. We are now called in faith to put our trust in him for our salvation for our ultimate healing, the resurrection of our bodies to eternal life when he returns. Yes, Jesus still answers prayers for healing (which he normally fulfills through doctors) and occasionally when needed the miraculous healing. He doesn’t in this life though heal everything as he did when he walked among us. He asks that we trust we will be fully restored when he returns in glory and this calls for faith. Just as those people brought the sick to Jesus were not disappointed, you will not be disappointed on that day.

Heavenly Father, through Jesus grant us healing of our bodies now but more importantly grant us faith in Jesus to be raised on the Last Day to eternal life. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

#devotion, #Jesus, #Messiah, #Christ, #Resurrection, #Salvation

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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