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#DailyDevotion Jesus’ Blood Made Us One Holy People In The New Covenant

#DailyDevotion Jesus’ Blood Made Us One Holy People In The New Covenant

Ephesians 2:11–18 11Remember, then, physically you once were Gentiles, and those who call themselves “circumcised” (which is physical and done by human hands) called you “uncircumcised.” 12You were then without Christ, excluded from being citizens of Israel and strangers to the covenants that had the promise. You had no hope and were without God in the world. 130nce you were far away, but now in Christ Jesus the blood of Christ has brought you near. 14He is our Peace: In His flesh He has made the Jew and the non-Jew one by breaking down the wall of hostility that kept them apart 15and by putting away the Law with its rules and regulations, in order to make the Jew and the non-Jew in Himself one new man (so making peace) 16and to make both in one body friends with God by His cross, on which He killed the hostility. 17And He came with the good news of peace to you who were far away and to those who were near, 18since by one Spirit he enables both of us to come to the Father.

There are at least three very important things here in these verses we should understand and believe. The first is once there was a division between Gentiles and Jews. This division made you non-Jews a people without hope and without God in the world. The Jews at least had the covenants, the Scriptures and the promise of the messiah. You were excluded from Israel because you did bear the mark of the covenant on you body, namely circumcision. You were far away from God.

Secondly, and this is very important, you have been brought near to God in Christ Jesus through his blood. The blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, shed by the high priest hand by handing him over to Pilate to be crucified has made atonement for your sin, i.e. it has covered them and you, in baptism, and brought you into a new covenant which the LORD had promised long ago through Jeremiah and Ezekiel. He has made by his blood Peace between God and men, and Jew and Gentile, in Christ.

Thirdly, in Christ, by this blood which has made Peace, he has made us one holy people of God. Jesus’ blood has fulfilled the old Mosaic covenant and ushered in a new covenant in his blood. Now this is very important because there are always Judaizers out there trying to claim Christians must keep whatever pet commandments from the Mosaic covenant to be really Christians. Jesus’ death on the cross has put an end to, abolished, abrogated, made inactive the whole entire Mosaic covenant from the Ten commandments to the end of Deuteronomy. There is nothing left of the Mosaic covenant the LORD made with Israel that applies to those in the blood of Jesus and this goes for the Jews as well.

Jesus has made a new covenant with his body and blood which has brought together both Jew and Gentile into one holy people of Israel. In his body the hostility between the two is canceled because there is now one new man, Jesus Christ, and all who are joined to him in baptism. We can have peace between God and man, man and man, Jew and Gentile for we are all one in Christ Jesus. Believing in Christ Jesus and what he has done for us on the cross, we have only one commandment, to love one another as he has loved us. We have baptism, we have his Last Supper and we have one another.

Heavenly Father, grant that the blood of Christ may be proclaimed throughout the world to make both Jew and Gentile one people in the new covenant he made with his body and blood. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

#dailydevotion #devotion #JesusChrist #Jews #Mosaiccovenant #NewCovenant #Christians #Peace

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