#DailyDevotion In Yashua (Jesus) Are Jew & Gentile Made One People
Isaiah 566And the strangers who join the LORD to be His servants and bless the LORD’s name, those who keep the Sabbath and cling to My covenant – 7I will also bring them to My holy hill and make them happy in My house of prayer. They will bring their burnt offerings and their sacrifices to be accepted on My altar, for My temple will be called a house of prayer for all people.” 8The Lord GOD, Who gathers the scattered people of Israel, says this: “I will gather others to them besides their own people who are already gathered.”
Stranger, foreigners, Goyim will join the LORD, YHWH, to be his servants and bless the LORD’s name. Well this is a fulfillment of what Israel was called to do in the place the LORD Jesus had set them. They were to be a light unto the world. They would not be so in Isaiah’s day or Jeremiah’s day. Instead of converting the nations they worshipped and served the gods of the nations surrounding them and visiting them.
Look what else the LORD Jesus says, “I will also bring them to My holy hill and make them happy in My house of prayer.” No longer will the goyim, the Gentiles, non-Israelites be separated by a wall of partition. They will join the Israelites in the Temple and make them blessed. They even bring their burnt offerings and sacrifices to be accepted on the LORD Jesus’ altar. The LORD Jesus will make the temple a house of prayer for all people.
The lord YHWH, who not only will gather the scattered of Israel, he says, “I will gather others to them besides their own people who are already gathered.” This lord YHWH is our LORD Jesus Christ. It is in Jesus these things are fulfilled. It is Jesus who keeps justice and does righteousness. He is the Father’s Yashua, Joshua, the one who saves his people from their sins, but not only their sins but the sin of the world. Starting with Jesus and his resurrection from the grave, Jesus sends forth his apostles to gather the people of Israel back to the Father through Jesus’ sacrifice. He then has gathered the nations, the goyim, foreigners and strangers to Israel and makes them one with Israel.
St. Peter the apostle makes this clear in his first epistle when he writes, 29 “But you are a chosen people, priests of the King, a holy nation, a people saved to be His own and to tell of the wonderful deeds of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” And again in 25“You also are being built as living stones into a spiritual temple, to be holy priests who bring spiritual sacrifices that God gladly accepts through Jesus Christ.” We see it is no longer just the Levites, but all who have joined themselves to the LORD Jesus including the Gentiles who are priests in the Temple of the LORD Jesus. The sacrifices they bring are no longer animal but spiritual sacrifices, sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise, sacrifices of their bodies in service to the LORD Jesus. No longer having a building made of dead stones, Jesus and all who are joined to him are living stones of an eternal Temple made without hands. Yes, through baptism both Jews and Gentile are joined with Christ Jesus and made a spiritual Israel, a spiritual temple in whom the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit dwell. This is God’s doing. It is his gift to you.
Heavenly Father, you created a holy temple not made with hands beginning with your Son Jesus Christ as the foundation and chief cornerstone. Continually make us your living stones in this temple and join all people both Jew and Gentile into your holy temple to live and be with you forever. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.