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#DailyDevotion In God I Trust, I Will Not Be Afraid

#DailyDevotion In God I Trust, I Will Not Be Afraid

Psalm 56:1–4a; antiphon: v. 11 11In God I trust — I’m not afraid;  what can man do to me? 1Be kind and help me, O God, men trample on me. They fight all day long and they oppress me; 2all day long my enemies hound me, as many fight against me. O Most High, 3when I’m afraid, I put my trust in You. —4 In God – I praise His Word In God I trust — I’m not afraid; what can flesh do to me? 11In God I trust — I’m not afraid; what can man do to me?

In this Psalm David is hiding from the Philistines. They want to arrest him and put him to death. Jesus during Holy Week, while not hiding, does feel the search for him. The Pharisees want to a arrest him and are looking for way to do so. They’re in luck, Judas wants to betray Jesus and hand him over to them. He agrees to do so for 30 pieces of silver fulfilling the prophecy. They will come out to him with clubs and swords to arrest him in the cover of darkness.

What will Jesus do? He turns to his Father in heaven in prayer. He prays this Psalm and from the words here he gains his strength to press on. He remembers, 4 “In God – I praise His Word In God I trust — I’m not afraid; what can flesh do to me?” The Word of God is a sure and certain foundation. It cannot and will not fail. So Jesus must praise God’s Word. He knows what God has promised him and he trust in that word. God’s promises are sure and certain. Jesus’ praises those promises. David was promised he would be king of Israel. He was trusting the LORD’s promise was sure and certain so he was not afraid. Abraham was promised a son through whom he would have many descendents, so he was not afraid to sacrifice Isaac. He knew the LORD could raise him from the dead. Jesus has the promise he would not see corruption so he faces his suffering and death with the sure and certain hope of the resurrection and his ascension to the right hand of the Father. You have his promise he will raise you to eternal life on the Last Day.

So Jesus turns to the Father, 1“Be kind and help me, O God, men trample on me. They fight all day long and they oppress me; 2all day long my enemies hound me, as many fight against me.” Since the day John the Baptist pointed out Jesus as the Lamb of God the Jewish leadership was out to get Jesus. They tried pointing him out as a false messiah. They tried to trip him up on his teaching. Finally they would bring false charges against him and then charge him with the truth, he is the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus looks to God to be kind to him and help him. He will not see that kindness till he is raised from the dead. We too may not see the fulfillment and the answer to many of our prayers until the day of the resurrection.

Yet what can man, what can flesh do to Jesus and to us? Jesus tells us, 28“Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body and can’t kill the soul, but fear Him who can destroy soul and body in hell. 29Aren’t two sparrows sold for a cent? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s permission. 30As for you, even the hairs on your head are all counted. 31So don’t be afraid. You’re worth more than many sparrows.” So like Jesus do not fear men and flesh. Trust in God who saves you through Jesus.

Heavenly Father, when our frail flesh fails us and we are afraid, give us your Holy Spirit so we may remember your promises so we may trust in you’re an praise your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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