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#DailyDevotion If Jesus Prays What Do You Think You Should Be Doing?

#DailyDevotion If Jesus Prays What Do You Think You Should Be Doing?

Mark 6:45–46 45 He quickly made His disciples get into the boat and cross over to Bethsaida ahead of Him; meanwhile He would send the people away. 46After saying good-bye to them, He went up the hill to pray.

Ok, now just let that sink in for a moment….Do you find anything strange there? Well I sure do. Jesus is praying. Now why would I think that is weird? Well, Jesus is the LORD, the God of Israel. Why does he need to pray? Why does he pray? What does he pray for? Since he is God in the flesh, couldn’t he just divinely zap into being whatever he is praying for an about?

Of course Jesus is true man and well as true God. While I’m certain that the persons of the Trinity talk to one another in whatever way the God-Head communicates in itself, Jesus, the second person of the Trinity became man. Being in created flesh now and as one appointed to fulfill the Torah (Law) Jesus is commanded to pray just like us.

And yes, for all your doubters and scorners out there who say, “What good does it do to pray? I never get what I ask for? No one answers from on high when I ask questions.” Well too bad, you are commanded to pray. It is not an option. Praying is keeping the first, second and third commandments. When we look to God for every good in prayer we keep the first. When we use Jesus’ name to pray we keep the second. Prayer is our time of rest with God so in prayer we keep the third. Of course you are always free to be a pagan, not pray, die and burn for all eternity in hell (not that prayer merits salvation but is an expression of faith that receives salvation). If anything else, you should pray because as a friend says, “Prayer lessens the burden.”

Now look, if Jesus had to pray, who could zap into being anything he wanted, if he needed time to commune with his heavenly Father, how much more us poor slobs need to follow suit? Human were created to commune with God. Even if you were so pious (or thought you were so pious) that you didn’t ask God for anything for yourself, you still need to commune with him. You still need to pray for your neighbors and your enemies that God would bless them with every physical and spiritual blessing. As to the content of Jesus’ prayer, I suggest you look at Jesus’ prayer in the garden in the Gospel of John. But being in a human body with all it’s frailties—hunger, thirst, weariness, etc.-he still turned to his Father in heaven and prayed for these things and many of the things we pray for ourselves and our families.

Jesus trusted the Father’s promises concerning prayer as well. What is written? Isa. 65, 24 “Then it will happen that before they call I will answer, and while they’re still speaking I will listen.” Psalm 50, 15“Call Me in time of trouble! When I rescue you, you should honor Me.” Ps. 91, 15“When he calls Me, I will answer him, be with him in trouble, rescue him, and honor him.” Such promises concerning prayer also apply to you. John writes, 1 John 5, 14“We have confidence in God that if we ask for anything according to His will, He listens to us. 15And if we know that He listens to us whatever we ask, we know that we will get what we ask Him for.” Trusting in these promises let us come boldly with confidence to the throne-room of God’s grace.

Heavenly Father, give us your Holy Spirit that we may come to you in prayer like your Son Jesus Christ with faith in his name so when we pray, you hear and when you hear you answer. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

#devotion, #Jesus, #Prayer, #Christianity,

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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