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#DailyDevotion How Do You Treat Your Enemies?

#DailyDevotion How Do You Treat Your Enemies?

Ob. 10 Because you did violence to your brother Jacob, shame will overwhelm you, and you will be cut off forever. 11 That day you stood by when strangers carried off his goods; foreigners came into his gates and cast lots over Jerusalem, and you were just like one of them.

It is now revealed to us why the LORD is coming after Edom. His address to Edom is in a most personal way as He uses the name Jacob (as opposed to Israel), Esau’s twin brother. Edom did violence to Jacob.When Jacob, aka Israel and Judah, were being overrun by their enemies, carrying off their goods, even storming the gates of Jerusalem, they just stood by and watched. Even worse, they were just like one of them.

Because of this, shame would overwhelm them and they would be cut off forever. From our previous devotions, we know they were pushed out of their territory into southern Judah, they lost their name, and eventually ceased to exist. The prophet then continues with the charges.

12 You shouldn’t gloat when your brother has his day of calamity. You shouldn’t be delighted when the people of Judah are ruined. You shouldn’t boast so much when he’s in trouble. 13 You shouldn’t come into the gate of My people on the day of their disaster. You shouldn’t look so pleased at his misery on the day of his disaster. You shouldn’t lay your hand on his goods on the day of his disaster. 14 You shouldn’t stand at the crossroad to kill those who escape. You shouldn’t hand over anyone who gets away on the day of trouble.

We probably should take note of how we handle ourselves when calamity strikes our enemies. When seeing disaster fall upon a people, we should listen to Jesus and repent of our sins. (Luke 13) But Edom seeing the ruin of Israel and Judah did not repent of their sins against the LORD. They gloated over his brother’s calamity. They were delighted in Judah’s ruin. They entered the gates of the LORD’s people and took advantage of the situation. We see Edom partook in looting his brother. He killed those who escaped the enemies coming down upon Israel and Judah. They betrayed those in hiding to their enemies.

What do we do when our personal enemies get their due for how they treated us? Do we take glee in it? Do we overcome evil with more evil as Edom did? Do we overcome evil with good? Do we clothe the naked, feed the hungry, give water to those who thirst and bless them, as we are called to do as Christians? While it is true, a nation is not a Christian, i.e. the commands to turn the other cheek, give to the one who ask, walk two miles etc. do not apply to a nation or its leaders in dealing with other nations, a nation of Christians should see to it our leaders treat other nations fairly, equitably, and even occasionally show mercy at the proper time. When we overcome our enemies who hate us, we should not gloat over them. It is the LORD who has given them over into our hands. The LORD Jesus does hold nations to account for their sins. Let us not give reasons for Him to correct, discipline or destroy us.

Heavenly Father, give us a right attitude towards our enemies, especially those that are personal to us. Give us the mind of Christ, You Son, that we may example Him to them and perhaps win them to the side of Jesus. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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