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#DailyDevotion How Do You See Those The LORD Sent To Minister To You?

#DailyDevotion How Do You See Those The LORD Sent To Minister To You?

2 Cor. 6:8b-13 We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; 9as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as punished, and yet not killed; 10as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything. 11 We have talked frankly to you Corinthians. Our hearts are wide open. 12There’s plenty of room in them for you, but you’re narrow in your attitude toward us. 13I ask you as my children: Treat me as I treat you, and open your hearts wide, too.

Paul here explains how he and his companions have been treated by the Corinthian congregation by the so-called apostles who have come behind them in their ministry and have told them these supposedly negative things which it appears the congregation has perhaps believed to some extant. The had been called imposters, unknown, dying, punished, sorrowful, poor, and having nothing. These are things I guess people say about other people of whom they are jealous of and trying the win the affection and support of those supported Paul and company.

Yet Paul and company have been called by God to be apostles to the Gentiles. They are true to their calling. If they were not true then there would likely be no Corinthian congregation. They are known to all the Churches. While like all Christians dying according to the flesh, according to the spirit they are living. While enduring punishments at the hands of unbelieving Jews and Romans they could not be killed until the LORD Jesus had willed it. They may sorrow over those who refuse the free gift of God in Christ Jesus they rejoice over those who heard it and accepted it receiving into themselves the gift of eternal life. They are treated as poor and having nothing yet they make everyone rich in grace and possess everything because they belong to Jesus. Things are not always as they seem. Under the cross of Christ it may all seem as loss but with the cross and death also comes life and salvation.

Paul and company have always been frank and honest with the Corinthians. Their hearts are wide open to them and can received them all into it. The Corinthians have been narrow in mind towards them because of the reports from the so-called super apostles. The Corinthians were thinking Paul was holding back on them when the reverse was true. They had revealed everything to the congregation. Paul wants them to treat him like he treats them and open their heart wide to him.

Now how do feel towards your pastor. Do you listen to other’s bad talk about him because they want you to leave him and join their congregation? Do you look down on him because you don’t like the way he does things yet there is nothing biblically wrong with what he is doing? Do you open your heart to him and does he open his heart to you? I hope you shut down negative talk about the man Christ Jesus called to be your pastor quickly. I hope you give him your support and your love as he gives his support and love to you by his ministry. Is he teaching you correctly from the Scriptures? Does he provided sound teaching of the faith? Does he visit you when you are sick? Does he provided for you the sacraments when you need him to do so? I hope all those questions are in the affirmative. If so, rejoice in him and be glad. If he has any weaknesses pray the Holy Spirit would give him the gifts needed to minister to you and yours.

Heavenly Father, may we receive with joy those who send with the Word of promise and express our thanks for him with earthly goods and spiritual prayers. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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