#DailyDevotion Great Is The Holy One Of Israel Who Is Among You!
Isaiah 11:4-6 4On that day you will say: “Thank the LORD. Call on His name. Tell the people what He has done. Praise the majesty of His name. 5Sing to the LORD — He has done wonderful things. The whole world should know about it. 6Call out loud and shout, you who live on Zion. Great is the Holy One of Israel, Who is among you.”
That day? The day you heard the LORD was no longer angry with you but rather wanted to comfort you. The day you heard the LORD has saved you not by any works you have done but rather by he has done. You gave thanks on that day and you give thanks every day you hear it and remember it. Every day you call upon his name you give thanks to his name.
Now what has our LORD Jesus Christ has done? He came down from heaven. He humbled himself to be like us in every way excepting sin. He submitted himself to the Law and obeyed just as the Father wanted it to be obeyed. He took our infirmities upon himself and by his stripes we are healed.
Jesus was arrested, falsely accused, beaten and insulted and that by his own people. He was handed over to the Romans who also beat him, whipped him, mocked him, insulted him and who crucified him and killed him.
In all this, the Father was punishing the Son for our sake. He placed our sins, guilt, shame, iniquities, trespasses and everything else that was ours and separated us from Him on Jesus even as the high priests but the sins of the people on the animals prepared for sacrifice. By the hands of the Jews and the Romans, the Father offered up Jesus as both our atonement and propitiation sacrifice. By Jesus’ sacrifice he has taken away our trespasses and reconciled us to God our Father.
Jesus rose on the third day overcoming death and the grave on our behalf. Because Jesus is risen, all people believers and unbelievers will rise from the dead on the Last Day when Jesus returns. Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father and we too are ascended with him, even now, to the heavenly places where we can enter the throne-room of the Father and present our prayers through Jesus’ name. Jesus is coming again in glory and he will judge the living (those who believe in him) and the dead (those who do not). He gives to all who believe in him his kingdom which has no end. To those who do not believe in him and who rejected him, eternal perdition is their fate.
So we sing to the LORD these wonderful things he has done and will do. We call out and shout, “Great is the Holy One of Israel” i.e. Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified and resurrected one. He indeed is in our midst. He dwells in our hearts when the Holy Spirit creates faith in him in us. He is in our midst for forgiveness and retaining of sins when we gather in his name. We do this now though we do not see him. We will do this all the more when he reveals himself again to us and we dwell in Zion, the New Jerusalem.
Heavenly Father, open our lips and we will sing your praise and the praise of the name of your son Jesus Christ, for all he has done for us to save us from ourselves, sin, death and the devil. We give you thanks now for this great salvation and may our voices always proclaim to the world all you have done for us through Jesus. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.