#DailyDevotion Do You Believe God Gives What Is Good & Right For You?
Psalm 78 12In the presence of their fathers He did wonders in Egypt, in the land of Zoan. 13He divided the sea and led them through, making the water stand up like a wall. 14During the day He led them by a cloud and all night by the light of a fire. 15He split rocks in the wilderness, and let them drink as from deep water, 16making streams come out of a rock and water flow like rivers.
We recall the salvation history of the Israelites here. The psalmist hearkens back to the Exodus where the LORD inflicted the plagues upon Egypt and had the Israelites walk through the sea on dry ground. The LORD led them through the wilderness with a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. He provided water for them in the wilderness. How does the LORD take care of us today? He took the plagues we deserve upon Himself on the cross. He brings us into the wilderness through the waters of baptism. He leads us in our walk with the Word and Sacraments. He gives us His body and blood for our spiritual nourishment.
17But they kept on sinning against Him, rebelling against the Most High in the desert. 18In their hearts they tested God by demanding the food they craved. 19They talked against God, asking, “Can God set a table in the desert? 20He struck a rock, water gushed out, and streams flowed down – but can He also give bread or provide meat for His people?” 21So, when the LORD heard it, He became angry; His fire burned against Jacob and His anger blazed at Israel, 22because they did not trust God or believe He could save them. 23Yet He commanded the clouds above, and opened the doors of heaven. 24He rained on them manna to eat, and gave them the bread of heaven. 25So man ate the bread of angels, and He sent them plenty of food.
Despite all the miracles they had seen and even heard the voice of the Almighty from the fire on the mountain, the people were not faithful to the LORD. They sinned against Him by making a golden calf and worshiped it as the LORD. They doubted the LORD’s care and love for them, so they tested Him. Even though He provided them with water they doubted His ability to provide for daily bread. Though He was angry at them for their lack of faith, He did not strike them down with His wrath but sent them manna, the bread of angels, whatever that was (manna means-what is it).
26He let loose the east wind from the heavens and drove the south wind by His power. 27He rained meat on them like dust and winged birds like sand by the sea. 28He let them fall in the middle of their camp, all around their tents. 29So they ate and were filled; He brought them what they craved, 30but they didn’t get over their craving. Their food was still in their mouths 31when God became angry with them and killed some of their husky men and struck down Israel’s young men.
The LORD also provided for them meat for the Israelites by having a wind drive quail to them. They were able to eat so much that they were all filled. Despite having water, the manna, and the quail, they were not satisfied. They craved what they had back in Egypt. They desired their state as slaves in Egypt where they had their variety of food. Because they still did not trust the LORD or love Him for their salvation from the Israelites, the LORD struck down many of their strong men and young men as a warning to the rest. How often are we like the Israelites? Whatever God has done for us is not enough. Worse than that, we look back to our past lives as sinners and want to enjoy the false joy we had when we did not follow Jesus. Perhaps we always grew up in the Church and like the older brother, we are jealous of the younger one who is squandering his inheritance in wild living. We’d like to party like those who do not know Christ. We should remember the LORD is training us to enter the Promised Land. We should recall the fate of those who reject Christ. Remember Jesus’ promise of eternal life.
Heavenly Father, when we get stubborn in our faith or lack thereof, give us Your Holy Spirit so we can repent and trust in all Your goodness, through Jesus Christ our LORD. Amen.