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#DailyDevotion Do We Try To Hide From The LORD’s Mission For Us?

#DailyDevotion Do We Try To Hide From The LORD’s Mission For Us?

Jon 3But Jonah got up and ran away from the LORD to Tarshish. He came down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish. He paid the fare and went on board to get away from the LORD and go with them to Tarshish.

Jonah of course knew the LORD is present everywhere and His power extended to all places. He was running away from the promised presence of God in the land of His fathers where the LORD had promised to dwell with the children of Israel with His name and glory in the temple in Jerusalem. He was trying to escape the calling he had received from the LORD. We see in chapter four the reason why he runs away. He did not want the Gentiles to repent and receive God’s mercy, kindness, love and forgiveness. The people of Nineveh were without the Word of God. They lived as enemies of God and of God’s people. If he preached the LORD’s message of destruction, they might repent and believe the good news, looking to the LORD of Israel for salvation. They were Israel’s enemies. If they repented, they would not be destroyed and be removed as an enemy to his people. Somehow, in his perverted thinking, he did not know or realize that if they became friends of the LORD they would also become friends of Israel.

This perverted thinking isn’t new. While the pre-resurrection mission of the apostles was only to the lost sheep of Israel, the post-resurrection mission given in Matthew and the longer ending of Mark was to make disciples of all nations. It would take a vision of Peter, the falling of the Holy Spirit upon the house of Cornelius, Paul’s success among the Gentiles AND a church council for the Jews to believe, confess and practice the LORD’s desire for all nations to be joined to Israel as a united people. Sometimes the Church over the centuries has forgotten, at least some members of it, that salvation and the kingdom of God through faith in Christ Jesus is also for the Jews! They still need to hear their Messiah has come and it is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

So Jonah runs away to Tarshish which is in Spain. He runs over to Joppa on the coast and boards a ship going there. I guess he figured it was the farthest place he could run to away from the Gospel presence of the LORD in Israel. Even when we know better, we still turn out the light when we want to do something the LORD would not approve.

Jesus, the LORD, has called His Church, His people, to proclaim repentance and faith in Him for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life to all people. This is not to say every member of the same is called to preach publicly. We all are to “ always be ready to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have.” (1 Pet. 3:15) We are called to support with our wealth those whom Jesus has given us to preach, teach, and evangelize those in our immediate presence and our missions far away. We should always have a heart to bring the saving message of Jesus to all people and so pray for the efforts of those who do and support them with our money. God wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:4) He doesn’t want any to perish but desires them all to repent and come to a knowledge of the truth. (2 Pet. 3:9) Don’t run away in fear the LORD may actually do what He has expressed to do. Don’t close the door of your hearts or your bank account so the message is delayed in getting out because of the hardness of your hearts. Remember the LORD Jesus Christ has had mercy on you undeservedly and desires the same for those outside of the Church.

Heavenly Father, give us Your Holy Spirit, so we may willingly and joyfully support Your mission to all people everywhere. Give us courage to share the hope in us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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