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#DailyDevotion Are You Standing Ready Cheerfully Awaiting Jesus?

#DailyDevotion Are You Standing Ready Cheerfully Awaiting Jesus?

Luke 21:25–33

25“There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth nations will be in distress, not knowing which way to turn from the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26People will faint as they fearfully wait for what will happen to the world. The powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27“Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28“When these things begin to happen, stand ready and look forward cheerfully because you will soon be set free.” 29Then He pictured it this way: “Look at a fig tree, or any of the trees. 30 As soon as leaves grow on it, you see and know without being told that summer is near. 31So also when you see those things happen, you know God’s kingdom is near. 32“I tell you the truth: these people will not pass away until everything happens. 33Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.

Just as the heavens will be in great distress so too the earth below will be in distress. It starts with Jesus’crucifixion and the sun turning dark. There will be more signs of upsetness in the heavens. The moon will turn to blood and the stars will fall from the sky. Supernatural darkness will occur again before Jesus’ second coming. As we can see, certainly during our lives as of late, but at other times in the past, the world seems to be going crazy. The nations seem to be in distress not knowing which way to turn. Unfortunately, even some Christians are fearing what is to happen next.

Yet Jesus has a different mindset for you to have during this time. He says, “stand ready and look forward cheerfully because you will soon be set free.” Unfortunately I see and hear too many Christians not standing ready and not looking forward cheerfully. No, they are full of fear. They are fearing immorality run rampart (which it is). They fear government oppression (which certainly is beginning to happen here in the US). They fear a one world government and the Antichrist beginning his rule. It’s like they are looking with faith in Jesus Christ and his lordship over all creation.

If those sentences sound like you, cut it out. Repent of your unbelief! Jesus has been victorious over sin, death and the devil. If we suffer in this life so what! We are participating in the suffering of Jesus Christ. If we suffer with Jesus Christ in this life we will also participate in his glory and majesty when he returns. We see the world in a big hot mess and what we should be doing is believing Jesus’ word here to stand ready and look forward cheerfully because we will soon be set free. Jesus is coming again in great power and glory. When he does we will be changed from these mortal coils into a new immortal body like Jesus’ immortal body. As Jesus begins his visible rule in the New Heavens and New Earth we will begin our eternal reign with him as Daniel predicts in Daniel 7.

So be of good courage and don’t be afraid what man can do to you. Your Savior lives and reigns and never leaves you or forsakes you. Don’t fear the world, disease, the turmoil of the ages or signs above. Be cheerful knowing you belong to Jesus and he claims you has his own.

Almighty and merciful Father, always give us faith that stands ready and cheerfully looks to Jesus’ return now and at the end of the age. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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