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Daily Reading: February 7th

#DailyDevotion How To Grow Your Faith To The Size Of A Mustard Seed

February 7th

Read John 2:1–12

Joh 2:1-5  On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.  (2)  Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples.  (3)  When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.”  (4)  And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.”  (5)  His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”


On the third day God created life, plant life, but life nevertheless.  On the third day in today’s lesson Jesus creates the fruit of plant life namely wine.  Coincidence, perhaps but maybe it wasn’t.  Jesus is at this wedding which he happened to be invited to because his mother was invited.  Who knows if they were really wanted as guests.  But you how it is when one is planning a wedding.


But it was a good thing Jesus was there because they ran out of wine.  Jesus’ mother goes to Jesus and tells him to do something about it.  Like a good Jewish boy he says something along the lines of “Ah mom.”  You see apparently the time for Jesus to be doing signs hadn’t come yet.  But God and Jesus as God’s Son is merciful and kind.  And being put on the spot by his mother he condescends to do something about it.


Now listen to what Mary says.  “Do whatever he tells you.”  You see Mary had faith in her son Jesus.  She doesn’t just have ordinary saving faith, but a gift of faith that can move mountains.  Don’t believe me?  She moved God and he’s bigger than any mountain.  We should emulate Mary’s faith and go to God with whatever.  Now we obviously shouldn’t go to him with things we know are against his will, though I guess one could try.  We should certainly go to Jesus with things we know he has promised us with all boldness and confidence.  But I believe we can develop or strengthen our faith by simply acting in faith and going to Jesus with whatever.


Some days our faith may not be so strong that we can tell Jesus what do like Mary.  It doesn’t mean we’re not saved or don’t have faith.  It just means we don’t have faith the size of a mustard seed.   But most of us do not have faith that big.  But faith is to be exercised in prayer and good works if it ever is to get stronger.  Sometimes we come before God with whatever is on our hearts.  I don’t think God ever answers our prayers with no, unless you actually hear God tell you no like Jeremiah or Paul.  But he answers them in a way which is best for us and his Church. In such praying our prayers will get better and more attuned to the will of God and might even grow to the size of a mustard seed.


Lord God, heavenly Father, give us such faith as Mary had in your son that we may pray for such things that are pleasing in your sight and in accordance with your will and that we might listen as the servants did and do whatever he commands us.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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